We work with every type of
farmer to meet their challenges
Stimulate biological activity with organic fertilizers Let Your Land Breathe Noticeable increase in yield and product quality Increase! In the absence of crop protection
products, farmers would lose
30%-70% of their crop yields
In the absence of crop protection
products, farmers would lose
30%-70% of their crop yields
In the absence of crop protection
products, farmers would lose
30%-70% of their crop yields

Our motives and principles that keep the world moving



Our customers are provided all the information they need to know about our products so they can make informed decisions



All our products are backed by scientific research by 7 top agriculture universities and tested to ensure their productivity and safety.



Our products are all natural and many of them are certified organic. This eliminates risk of introducing harmful chemicals into the environment or exposure to livestock.



We strive to maintain a long-term relationship with every farmer, ensuring our products do exactly what they are intended to do, and outperform your expectations



We understand the value of family and community. We sponsor little league team, 4H programs and FFA programs – to give back to the next generation of farmers.

We are focused on Research & Development

Our commitment to Research, Development and Innovation is an essential part of our philosophy, therefore, since its origins Harvien maintains a constant work in the Research and Development of new solutions for agriculture.

The most comprehensive selection in Plant Nutrition

We design, develop, and formulate both liquid and solid Plant Nutrition solutions in an effort to provide “the field” with superior products and value-added services. We offer custom-tailored solutions. Fertilizers, fertilizers, biostimulants, amino acids, plant extracts, iron chelates, and defense promoters… the broadest selection and highest quality.

Ensuring safe use of our products through farmer education and new technologies

In addition to meeting high legal criteria, Harvien ensures that farmers know how to use our products properly by providing training and information via face-to-face contacts and online platforms.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

